jawline augmentation

The jawline is very important. Too strong and it can masculinize the face. Too soft and it can age the face. Dr. Vafa uses Botox®, and other toxins to soften a strong jawline caused by an enlarged masseter muscle. This can also be caused by Bruxism (excessive clenching or grinding of the teeth).

To enhance a soft jawline Dr. Vafa prefers Sculptra® or Voluma®. When done with the right technique, the lateral face and jowls can be lifted creating a youthful profile. 

  • products/technique

    Botox®, Dysport®, Xeomin®, Sculptra®, or HA Filler injections

  • downtime

    As with any procedure involving needles, there is a small chance of mild, temporary bruising or redness at the area of injection.

  • results

    Botox/ reduction:

    At the end of the first week, you may notice that your jaw muscles feel softer. In about 6 weeks you will notice a reduction in your jaw line that will last typically between 6 months to a year and a half depending on the underlying cause of the muscle enlargement.

    Enhancement with fillers:

    results are immediate

  • numbing

    Yes, we offer medical strength topical numbing cream. Please arrive 3o mins prior to your appointment for the application of numbing cream.

  • cost

    Jawline fillers and Sculptra starts at: $895

    Botox/ Reduction: $525 for up to 40 units, and $13 per unit after that

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