
Morpheus8  is not only great for skin tightening- this procedure offers a non-invasive and effective solution for melting fat under the chin, helping to achieving a sculpted jawline. Morpheus8 uses a combination of microneedling and radiofrequency (RF) technology.

  • what to expect

    A handheld device with fine microneedles is gently applied to the treatment area, including under the chin. The microneedles create tiny, controlled micro-injuries in the skin, while RF energy is delivered deep into the tissue. RF energy heats the fat cells, causing them to break down, and stimulates collagen production for skin tightening.

    We provide topical numbing and offer Pro-Nox to make sure our patients are comfortable throughout the procedure

  • results

    Many patients notice immediate improvements in skin texture and tightness, although the full results may take several weeks to become apparent. Collagen remodeling continues over time, leading to further enhancement of the chin and jawline.

    Depending on individual needs, patients may require multiple sessions for optimal results. Most patients require 3 session, but everyone is different. We suggest a complimentary consultation with one of our providers to determine the number of sessions you will need.

  • downtime

    There is minimal downtime (around 3-7 days) allowing patients to return to their daily activities relatively quickly.

  • cost

    individual sessions start at $850

    $2550 for a package of 3

gallery - double chin

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